Our Services

“My ability is Stronger than my disABILITY” ~ Nikki Rowe

In order for adults with developmental disabilities to live and thrive in Pagosa Springs, they need support services and programming specific to their special needs. Not only will Aspen Services serve the residents of Aspen House, Aspen Services will serve the entire community of adults with developmental disabilities living in Archuleta County.

Prior to Aspen Services, the only service provider for adults with developmental disabilities was located in Durango, CO, 65 miles away. This has made access to those services and programs challenging for adults with disabilities and their families. Aspen Services serves the entire developmentally disabled community of Pagosa Springs and Archuleta County with valuable programming and vital services.
Contact ASPEN SERVICES 970-507-0122

Aspen Services was founded in 2020 and is currently offering:

Individualized Employment Placement

The Individual Placement service provides one-on-one job placement and coaching. Our qualified staff teaches job skills, independence and self-reliance. As a result, clients become more comfortable, skilled, and independent at his/her job.

Day Habilitation Program

“I’m Different, Not Less” ~ Temple Grandin
The Aspen Services Day Habilitation Program is for adults with developmental disabilities that focuses on the quality of our clients’ lives, as well as their overall level of functioning and independence in the community. It is available for all adults with developmental disabilities in the Pagosa Springs area.

Supported Community Connections

Our adults will be given opportunities for recreation, social/communication and physical fitness activities in their local community. These activities will enhance their skills and promote self esteem and independence. Services include, but are not limited to:

Prevocational Services

“Every Student Can Learn, Just not on the same day or in the same way” ~ George Evans
Our site-based prevocational program will provide job readiness skills to prepare individuals with developmental disabilities for real-world employment. This service bridges the gap between our Day Habilitation Program and supported employment services.

Services Available

• Specialized Habilitation

• Supported Community Connections

• Supported Employment

• Community Connector

• Homemaker

• Mentorship

• Respite Care

• Personal Care

• Individual Residential Services & Supports

Contact Aspen Services: 970-507-0122

Services provided are based on individual service plan prepared by your case manager and your personal preferences.
Most services are covered through Medicaid Waivers and through private pay options. 

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